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Magdalena Fafrowicz, PhD

I am an assistant professor at MCB JU. My research interests  focus on cognitive and clinical neuroscience.  I am the author/coauthor of over 60 research publications and coeditor of the book ‘Neuroadaptive Systems: Theory and Applications’ (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2012). My research deals mainly with diurnal variability of cognitive processes, cognitive and emotional consequences of chronic sleep deficit,  neural mechanisms of  visual attention, memory distortions, error detection, and conflict monitoring.  I am a principle investigator of the international project  ‘Time-of-day impact on neural mechanism of short-term memory distortions elicited by lexical and spatial interferences - fMRI study’ implemented in cooperation with prof. Patricia Reuter-Lorenz, University of Michigan (National Science Centre project – HARMONIA, 2013-2018). Currently, I am  involved  in  seven  research projects conducted at MCB JU.